One Funnel Away Challenge Review 2024

You Suddenly Lose Everything... What Would You Do From Day 1 to Day 30 To Save Yourself - Join the Program (Sell Anything Online Faster)

Own business? The One Funnel Away Challenge is a great way to take action and get results. It’s designed for those like you who are ready, willing, and able.

From the very beginning of my online business, I was lacking in knowledge about making money. When I was struggling with that, I heard about the importance of the sales funnel and I was suggested to take the one funnel away challenge by one of my friends who is also involved in online sales.

ClickFunnels is one of the best companies for building a sales funnel. One Funnel Away challenges are especially helpful for building a successful funnel building process, as they help you take action right away with consistent feedback and instruction through each step in your journey.

There are many and your skills are necessary to develop. According to Russell Brunson, anyone can be just one funnel away from his/her desired life. So, why not you?

Throughout the One Funnel Away Challenge review, hopefully you will be able to get the overall concept of one funnel away challenge including the coaches, founders, pricing, benefits, challenge kit of course! and how you can get a solid platform for a successful online business. Hopefully the OFA challenge review is going to be helpful for you.

When is The NEXT ONE FUNNEL AWAY CHALLENGE Starts On 27th...

Join The Onefunnelaway Challenge now for a one-time discounted payment of Only $100

Registration Ends 26th At 10PM ET!

one funnel away challenge review

What is the One Funnel Away Challenge 2024?

The One Funnel Away Challenge (OFA challenge in short) is a virtual training program with 30-daysduration that will move you forward in every step of the way in creating a high impactful sales funnel. I took this challenge myself and found it very helpful when starting out with my own business, as well as providing tips for others who want successful and thriving business.

On this platform, you’ll get a chance to learn from the best when you attend these courses. The training is a step-by-step guide from the professionals over at ClickFunnels. You will be able to hear about Russell Brunson’s and Stephen Larsen’s journey in developing multiple million-dollar sales funnels as well as Julie Stoian, who has also mastered this art form for years with many successful businesses under her belt!

Three instructors of the ofa challenge are world-renowned experts on funnel building that have taught countless numbers of people around America how they too can build their own high ticket offers like an expert would do it themselves without any hassle at all.

The missions of the one funnel away challenge are a great way to keep learning fresh and interesting. Each day, they make topics simpler and give you the opportunity for self-discovery that will lead to your next step in becoming an expert!

However, you need not to be worried about the difficulties of the contents because they are interesting, enriched and make you think wider. After the successful completion, it will make it a lot easier to come up with your funnel.

Your First Funnel

Looking for 100 Highly-Motivated Individuals To Partner with Me And Build Your First Funnel That Generate Atleast

How does one funnel away challenge work?

The one funnel away challange starts with the pre-challenge week in which you can have your proper mindset. Along with time, the next three weeks will be covering all the important topics about sales funnel building and other important aspects related to your product marketing. The three coaches have particular topics and each one is related to another to form a sweet rhythm.

Especially, they will make you confident and enriched so that you can efficiently build sales funnels.

What you Will learn from OFA Challenge?

The One Funnel Away Challenge is a 5-week program that provides you with the tools and skills necessary to launch your own eCommerce business. It actually ignites you with the right mindset on how to increase sales with different marketing strategies. So, let’s have a look at what it offers.

Pre-challenge week: Starts with the pre training week.We all know the feeling of dragging ourselves through another day, barely noticing what we’re doing. But a pre-challenge week can help you get in touch with your inner entrepreneur and re-engage yourself for success!

Week-1: In the training session of the first week, you’ll learn the basics of how to sell online. You’ll start by learning an attention-grabbing hook that persuades your customers into hearing out what else they need and want from you as well as understanding storytelling techniques for making customers feel like they’re right there in person!

Week-2: Wow! I had so much fun with this week’s content. It was all about sales copy and how to write in such a way that people will be emotionally invested in what you’re saying, even if they don’t know anything else about your product or service yet. You can learn more than just writing compelling headlines too – hooks are important for getting readers’ attention right away while also telling their story at an emotional level which creates pleasing moments when they finally get it…and then order without thinking twice.

I’ve really enjoyed weekdays lately because each day brings new challenges but ultimately success as well

Week-3: Started with more focus on grabbing customers’ attention. This week, you’ll learn how to create a squeeze page and your first sale. You can also use ClickFunnels for building an online business from scratch with help on using its features like one-time offers or membership sites once they’re set up properly in the right place!

Week-4: I was very keen to learn about all the paid traffic opportunities over there. The workshop of that week was fascinating to learn about the different paid traffic opportunities out there. For example, I’m usually an SEO guy who swears by organic traffic but it is still awesome learning all these things!

I learned a ton of new skills during the 5 weeks program of the OFA challenge, but two things have really stuck with me:

How to explain your selling product exactly: In the first few weeks of learning (explained by Russell Brunson) how to tell a better story for my product, I was able to see that there’s actually one template that helps build belief and emotion in any type of customer. My sales pages have been so much improved thanks!

High-impactful sales funnel building: I found out how to build a highly- effective sales funnel and how to set it up within ClickFunnels with their funnel building software. I knew exactly what steps to take depending on the product. My skills are now able to create an effective marketing campaign with creative content for both new customers as well as existing ones who may need some encouragement in their purchasing decision process – whatever stage they are even.

Please avoid listening to the words “a lot of work”, “a lot of assignments”, “don’t fail” and bla! bla!. I can assure you it’s just another online course and the instructors are awesome instead. Just put a little focus on the relevant topics, make them better. You are likely just one funnel away!!

Benefits of joining the Next One Funnel Away Challenge 2024

The One Funnel Away Challenge is a great opportunity for anyone with an amazing design to get in on the action step by step. In addition to receiving thousands of dollars worth materials that you won’t be able to find elsewhere, there are also some other perks I want to mention down there.

Come up with more opportunities by Joining The One Funnel Away Challenge! There you can get in touch with world-renowned online marketers viz. Russel, Julie and Stephen. Also, you can make a broad network by interacting with other challenge members regarding the funnel building process.

Improve your skills by joining The One Funnel Away Challenge!

  • Selling products or services with sales funnels
  • Getting more organic traffic
  • Persuading customers to buy products
  • How to build highly effective sales funnels
  • Become an expert in funnel strategy

Coaches of the One Funnel Away Challenge 2024

Russel Brunson

Russell Brunson

As a coach of ClickFunnels, Russel Brunson is a masterclass in sales psychology and he is a nice public speaker.

For the 30 days in One Funnel Away Challenge, you’re going to get an in-depth understanding of how actually funnel building works and how to construct a highly profitable sales funnel. You’ll be getting various missions from Russell that will help simplify this process and give it more power.

Julie Stoian


Followed by the missions from Russel, a seven-figure entrepreneur Julie Stoian is there to help you with the correct steps to be followed for completing Russel’s tasks. She is nice and a very passionate teacher.

Stephen Larsen

stephen larsen

Although he left ClickFunnels, he can still help you in building funnels. He built over 500 sales funnels during his role as Lead Funnel Builder for ClickFunnels.

This former ClickFunnel person has created his own company which takes only 13 months to generate over a million dollars.

However, Stephen Larsen is there to handle regular group meetings and provide you with precise aspects that you need to hear actually from the One Funnel Away Challenge course.

Why you should sign up for the OFA Challenge?

If you want to launch your first or next profitable sales funnels, it is highly recommended to take the One Funnel Away Challenge.

You should believe in yourself and be focused on what you exactly want to build up. I assure you that you can set up a profitable online business platform by attending this Russell Brunson 30 days challenge program and after the completion, there is a high chance to see yourself as a successful online business holder who earns million dollars! Sounds great!

You are the one who needs the One Funnel Away Challenge if you:

  • Own online businesses or want to start an online business but don’t have the correct mindset to make money online or online marketing
  • Want to build your own sales page and just one funnel or multiple sales funnels
  • Want to increase affiliate sales
  • Looking for a way to sell your products/ services
  • Want to get long-term benefits from your online business
  • Are trying to get interactive sessions from experts in building online sales funnels
  • Want to become an expert in online selling
  • Struggling to make profitable funnels

So, if you are the one who falls into one of these, don’t make it late and just join the One Funnel Away Challenge.

Best One funnel away challenge Bonuses 2024

Along with getting in touch with expert marketers, you are going to get several digital and hard copies of the necessary tools to build your successful funnel from the One Funnel Away Challenge.

Although, the individual costs of each tool usually take more, but like other intelligent salespersons Russel Brunson offers you with a lot of extras!

However, The One Funnel Away Challenge kits are right here :

ofa bonuses

A Physical Copy of the Challenge Workbook Pdf

Maintaining a hand-written note can be very effective for you to remember and get access to your lessons. Surely, it is better compared to digital notes and you are getting an important One Funnel Away challenge kit.

A Hardcover Book with 30 Different Blueprints

This is awesome as you get 30 different stories of success from the two comma club ( the members of ClickFunnel who have earned more than $1 million from their sales funnels) as a valuable bonus of the One Funnel Away Challenge.

Russel asked a question to the members of his elite club mentioning if they lost everything in their online business and were supposed to start from the very beginning then how they would get back their achievements.

Their answers were taken into a hardcover book that you are going to get with the one funnel away challenge kits.

However, the name of the book is “30 Days”. This is an exclusive ClickFunnels 30 day challenge book by which you will get the concept of recovery from scrap!

MP3 player with pre-recorded lessons

Comes with bonus training interviews. Don’t get bothered about your place, it’s nice that the recording will be playing in your ear. With this convenient and easy-to-use device, you can go for an addition to increase productivity.

You will get Stephen’s coaching calls from the previous challenge with the recordings as well. In these, you can see how he helps individual clients who are struggling to grow their business online and find out more about what it takes to be successful!

You’re going to get more than 40 hours of coaching calls and interviews on your MP3. Plus, you can listen anywhere.

Boundless access to 30 day interviews

You’ll get unlimited access to all 30 Day interviews. You can watch them anytime, on any device!

You’re going to be busy completing missions and building out your own high-converting funnel during the 30 day challenge.

The bonus interviews included in this course are full of helpful tips and tricks, but if you hardly manage time to see them during your 30-day program, they will still be there with your unlimited access and you can be attached when it becomes more convenient.

This is a great opportunity provided by the One Funnel Away Challenge!

Interviews with the two comma club

This is for you if you are one of the exclusive members of the One Funnel Away Challenge! From this, you can get the opportunity to listen to their success story as you can cut down their mistakes and add the right choices to build your successful sales funnel.

Pros of the One Funnel Away: (What I liked most)

The pre-challenge week I liked most. It helped me a lot to throw away all my limiting beliefs.

The pre-raining week is all about beliefs as Russell Brunson says. Also, this session helps to overcome all the negative thinking and the one Funnel Away Challenge is a new tool of Russell to enlarge his community.

Speeches of Stephen and Russell Brunson allowed me to think differently and I became able to come up with the right mindset which exactly required all the way.

I got a community from which I got a chance to get attached with successful business owners to get valuable lessons from them.

Most importantly, the book “30 Days” was magnificent. There is always a chance of failure, but failure is not the ultimate. You need support and your mindset to overcome the odd situation. In that case, this book can be the best support for you to stand up strongly.

Cons of the One Funnel Away

May be a bit challenging but it is just like another online course. If you like to take challenges, the One Funnel Away Challenge is quite interesting and informative for you.

My experience says that I had to push myself slightly to keep myself on track during those 30 days.

As the course is full of necessary contents which are going to be covered within the next 30 days, you have to run fast to avoid falling behind.

There are bunches of missions and tasks! Don’t worry, you will be having a nice person to help you out.

If you lack experience, knowledge and skills compared to the better, it needs a little struggle to launch sales funnels.

However, you need to keep yourself updated to keep pace with the One Funnel Away Challenge.

One Funnel Away Challenge Pricing Plan 2024

The challenge cost is not a big deal at all. The One Funnel Away Challenge costs a light amount but there are other options available including purchasing physical kits at an additional cost or accessing only certain modules of content without any payments whatsoever if desired.

Here’s the deal. For $100, you get access to the One Funnel Away Challenge. It will take $19.95 to avail the physical kits within the US and you just need to pay $10 extra to get it outside the US.

This is not just about gaining new leads for your business—it’s also an opportunity to learn how the experts do.

Besides, to get the digital only version of the One Funnel Away Challenge you don’t need to put your hands on your pocket.

ofa challenge price

Is one funnel away challenge worth it?

Spend something to get the values! Although the One Funnel Away Challenge will cost you $100, I can guarantee that after finishing it you will find yourself as one of the successful sales funnel builders and you will forget about the money.

You’ll be able to build a high converting sales funnel that holds more customers, make your life easier and can get you the money back even.

If this doesn’t appeal then I don’t know what will!

I knew I was onto something when my first sales funnel launched.

I had a feeling from the very beginning, and couldn’t have been more right about it!

$100,000 is required to sit down with Russel Brunsen for a single day of coaching! On the other hand, you just need a hardly mentionable amount to get on the One Funnel Away Challenge.

The clean design of this 30-day challenge makes it easy for you to find the information that’s relevant, in an organized way.

This challenge will help you develop the systems and strategies that are important for your sales online.

By the One Funnel Away Challenge you will get advice and coaching from three top-class world-famous online marketers who are also veteran funnel builders. So, what more you could do to make the best deal!

I suggest you not to look behind when you get advanced to take the decision. Be confident and believe in yourself if you are doing the right and legal thing.

Please try to avoid negative thinking like;

I don’t have enough tech knowledge….

I don’t have a promising business or product…

I can’t afford time to learn about software and skills and so on…..

Forget all that limiting beliefs because these thoughts are dragging you behind.

However, all we need to believe to overcome those limiting patterns. We have to keep faith and come up with a new story in our beliefs.

How the Russell Brunson 30 Day Challenge helped me to overcome my Limiting Beliefs?

Whenever you are going to make a fast decision, first comes the urgency. Same thing happened to me to be honest.

I think spending time is probably the best investment when it relates to success.

For the Challenge, you must keep an hour of concentration with proper mindset.

On the other hand, if you can’t afford this, this actually doesn’t reflect your desire to become successful.

Both Stephen and Russell are highly expert in motivating. They will help you to be self-confident with inner belief.

By moving with the Challenge I sequentially realized that the mindset is the key player for getting success.

Who Created the One Funnel Away Challenge?

Freedom Is Just

One Funnel Away

Russel Brunson (founder of ClickFunnels) is the creator of One Funnel Away Challenge who has top-class internet marketing knowledge as mentioned earlier.

He is a world-famous marketer and his $360 million SaaS business is completely self-funded.

Himself, he’s sold over 250,000 books and has a following of millions.

Frankly speaking, it was magnificent to take lessons from him during my One Funnel Away Challenge course.

He will make you understand how to make money online by sales funnel and make you to learn proven marketing frameworks.

He will make you understand how to make money online by sales funnel and make you learn proven marketing frameworks.

Entrepreneurs love him!

From: Russell Brunson

Where: Boise, Idaho

Where can I promote ClickFunnels as an affiliate?

We all have social media right? Many of us are more active. Popular social media platform viz. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are highly preferable if you want to promote ClickFunnels as an online marketer.

You can go for a Facebook group because a Facebook group offers a great opportunity to get in contact with people interested in online marketing to promote sales pages. To add, it is like direct response marketing.

Besides, you can use some other options to reach your friends who are interestedin ClickFunnels affiliate program

How do I Become an affiliate of OFA?

ClickFunnels website provides a signup option for their affiliate program “Apply to become an affiliate”. Simply click on that, fill the form with your required information and become an affiliate of the One Funnel Away Challenge.

Get Back $100 as an OFA Affiliate

Affiliate marketing is a magnificent passive income option. For the newbies on online businesses, affiliate marketing business doesn’t cost but comes with significant profits.

You can follow some other online courses to learn business strategy to get on it.

So invite your friends or interested people to take the One Funnel Away Challenge so that you can get back $100.

Good news for you if you are an affiliate marketer!

Can I get the OFA Challenge for free?

The One Funnel Away Challenge is not free actually, but Russel Brunsen offers you an interesting option. Although, investing money ($100) on that challenge is worth it, but you can take it back in case of your dissatisfaction within 30 days of the course.

A money-back guarantee for you

The creator of One Funnel Away Challenge is so confident as he provided a money-back guarantee for you. No chance to lose money!

So, as you are getting a money-back guarantee it is completely risk-free for you.

One Funnel Away Results

Whenever we are going to spend our money we always think about the outcome.

I mean the results we will get right?

I got a lot by the OFA Challenge spending only $100! It has given a wonderful acceleration to my business while I was struggling.

Believe it or not I have sold over $15000 by using the strategies of the OFA.

I believe you will also find magnificent results for yourself through taking the challenge.

You perhaps search for the results that other people get from it.

So, I will not allow you to wait longer and here it is.

Examples are more powerful.

Alan Dean can be a great example as he utilized the training from the challenge and he made the best of it. He became able to develop a broad thriving community through his wildly successful online business.

Dough Boughton did an interesting thing! Becoming an entrepreneur he left his job and he settled all his student debt by capitalizing the OFA challenge.

Alex Elliot mixed her experience with One Funnel Away Challenge to flourish digital marketing.

Not finished yet. There are many more like Jamie Atkinson, Kevin and Devan Weis, Samantha Gooden and so on.

You may drop, but don’t lose hope and don’t forget to stand up on your feet. Your failure can be a good lesson and the choice is yours whether you want to learn or not.

The OFA Challenge will provide you with almost every solution for your business. Also, if you are an expert, the combination will give more precise results for sure.

However, I discourage you from imagining the challenge as magic. Rather, your effort is required and if you keep going with the OFA challenge you must get a valuable outcome.

Five Critical Components of the Clickfunnels 30-Day Challenge

The One Funnel Away Challenge is designed to help business owners and entrepreneurs build and grow their businesses by creating a system that works for them. This challenging program will help you learn how to use clickfunnels to create powerful and engaging campaigns.

The five critical components of this challenge are:

  1. Learning how to create automated sequences and funnels
  2. Creating your own templates
  3. Understanding the power of automation
  4. Mastering email marketing techniques and
  5. Testing and tweaking your campaigns until they’re perfect.

So if you’re ready to take your online business to the next level you must go for the OFA challenge.

Is The clickfunnels 30 days Challenge Just Another Online Course?

If you are looking to improve your funnel optimization skills but feel like you’re stuck? If so, the clickfunnels 30 days Challenge may be a good option for you. This online course teaches users how to create funnels that convert better and faster. The challenge is designed to help users learn key concepts and strategies in a short amount of time. It’s also affordable, so there’s no need to worry about spending a lot of money on something that may not be effective. So if you’re looking for an effective way to improve your sales funnel optimization skills, the clickfunnels 30 days Challenge may be a good choice for you.

How to Take your Business from Small to Large?

For years, entrepreneurs have been searching for the perfect formula to take their online businesses from small to large. Some find success with an intricate eCommerce platform, while others rely on viral content and PR campaigns. But what if you don’t have the time or money to put into a full-blown business? What if you just want to make some extra passive income?

There’s an easier way – use a sales funnel. Sales funnels are a simple way to take your business from small to large in a short amount of time. By using a sales funnel, you can create an automated process that takes your customers from curiosity (or even interest) to purchase.

Clickfunnels 30 day challenge is a great place to build your funnel. This challenge provides you with everything you need to get started and grow your business. It includes access to the clickfunnels platform, which is one of the most popular and user-friendly marketing tools on the market. Plus, the challenge provides daily tips and tricks that will help you grow your business exponentially.

FAQs On OFA Challenge

What is a challenge funnel?

A type with more opportunity which can efficiently turn prospects into buyers through online challenges. The main difference with the regular funnels is, the challenge funnels have a certain period of validity.

What is one funnel away platinum?

After you sign up for the One Funnel Away Platinum plan, your purchase includes all of our training information and bonus opportunities. You also get 6 months of access to OFA Platinum level service!

Is one funnel away challenge free?

It is not free ( costs $100) but you will get comprehensive learning sessions to build high converting sales funnels.

How long is the one funnel away challange?

The One Funnel Away Challenge is a 30 days program whereas the topics are distributed into 4 weeks to be covered.

How much is the one funnel away challenge?

Signing up for One Funnel Away Challenge is very cost-effective and will be worth your money.

It charges only $100 to get on it.

Is ClickFunnels free for affiliates?

Actually not. It requires a subscription fee to become its member. But as an affiliate, you will get the chance to get your money back in your pocket.

Is the One Funnel Away Challenge a Scam?

Definitely not. Although it is not for all, it is a clean challenge.

Maybe you are the one from many standing in the queue for the One Funnel Away Challenge.

One Funnel Away Challenge: Last few words

The One Funnel Away Challenge gave me a lot! Most importantly, it helped me in learning practical applications for my online business.

Generating leads is crucial for selling and I got comprehensive training throughout the course. Also, I got an established protocol that aided me to create more leads and sales day by day.

I can assure you that the value you will get is beyond its price. It is not just an online course, you can learn many more from it.

I believe and hope that the OFA challenge review will be very beneficial for you to introduce your first funnel and to make perfect sales funnels step by step.

Although there are many Clickfunnels One Funnel Away Challenge reviews out there and almost everything is possible in the world of imagination. I believe my review can make you understand the pin points as it is an honest clickfunnels one funnel away 30 challenge review.

So, don’t be late to sign up for the One Funnel Away Challenge. One funnel away challenge is a great program by clickfunnels so don’t miss the clickfunnels review in detail before joining OFA challenge.

Read More About Clickfunnels...

A Successful Business Owner Loves What They Do. Join the Russell Brunson OFA Challege! Click Here!​

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