How To Sell Beats online Using ClickFunnels | Click Funnel for Beats

This post mainly covers the topics on how to sell beats using clickFunnels means Click funnel for beats, can you use clickfunnels for selling beats, and finally how to sell beats online?

Many online music producers are looking for how to sell beats with Clickfunnels information. Some choose a free trial option when they’re just getting started and want something quick, while others go through the more rigorous process of developing their own website before moving forward.

What is your experience with selling beats online?

What’s the best way to sell a beat on Soundcloud or other websites that allow it like Spotify, Apple Music, etc.?

How can be music producers take advantage of the beats selling strategy?


I was so excited to see that Clickfunnels had finally released a plan for small businesses. I have been exploring this option as an alternative and am happy with what they offer me at $97 per month!

Many people choose ClickFunnels because it’s inexpensive. However, you can use the free trial to find out if it is something that will work for your business.

ClickFunnels is a sales funnel software that allows you to quickly create professional landing pages. It also helps if you want to run viral campaigns, build an email list and generate leads.

One of the best ways to increase your beat sales is through upsells. When you sell on a site like Beatstars, for example, there’s no way to offer customers another product once they’ve made a purchase.

However, if you use funnels and are able to build them correctly in order not be pushy or overbearing with too many offers at one time (which will just end up making your customer dislike it), then this can help double or triple beats sold when compared against standard stores that do not have this capability built into their system yet!

click funnel for beats

How to sell beats using Clickfunnels?

It’s generally a good idea to get your beat selling strategy in order before you release it. Knowing the right things upfront will help make life easier for both parties and ensure that everything goes smoothly when bringing new sounds into this world. Here are some of the basics:

Funnels are a great way to sell beats and can be very profitable if you know how. The main thing is knowing when it’s the best time for your audience, so make sure you’re consistent with that!

Clickfunnels has a $97 monthly fee which not everyone can afford. If that is the case, I advise you to keep hustling until you feel comfortable paying this new cost of your business and provide value for yourself by utilizing their product’s functionality.

The music producers who just want to build funnels as fast as possible won’t be able to use this strategy. But for those doesn’t willing to spend extra time building beats funnels, it can change the way you sell beats forever.

You can make a fortune off of your beats, but the only way to do it is by taking time building funnels and using them strategically.

Don’t cancel your Beatstars and Airbit accounts yet!

It’s not time to stop streaming music just because of a little thing like the looming shutdown. In fact, you might want to double down on what really works for you in order to get through this difficult period.

And, if you running a beat selling website, don’t close it down!!

Create an account

For creating an effective funnel your first is to create a clickfunnels account with your email and password.

In order for your business to be successful, it’s important that you have an eye-catching landing page for people who are interested in what you’re selling and easy navigation so they can find your all offers and other staff you are offering to them.

Creating your first funnel

Creating a funnel is as simple as clicking the +New Funnel button on your dashboard.

Click funnel for beats

The button labeled +New Funnel is where you can create your funnel. This will take only a few minutes and it won’t be hard to do at all because we’ve already done the work for you!

You’ve just clicked on a button and now you can choose the goal of your funnel. If you are selling beats, your goal is either to sell products or collect email addresses.

how To Sell Beats Using ClickFunnels

You can also start from scratch if you want to make a custom funnel.

After inputting your desired information, you can edit and name the funnel. You will create a list of tags to use for any type of campaign from this point on. Clicking Build Funnel button starts everything off!

Funnel structure

You can see the structure of your funnel through a top-down view. You currently have 2 pages- an opt-in page and thank you page.

how to sell beats using clickfunnels

With the in-page opt, you have a space to sell yourself and your products. Marketers use it for all their one on ones with potential customers so that they can get their email address from them or whatever else they may be looking for.

You can use a thank you page to send your customers on their way after they have made an order or subscribing to your mailing list. They will only be forwarded there if they take the initiative and subscribe online, but it’s always nice to say thanks!

What if you wanted to change the format of your funnel? You could, for example, add more pages.

Adding pages

The idea of adding a purchase page is an excellent one. It means you can do all your selling on the opt-in page, and then have everything about what’s being sold in that same place!

To add more pages to your sales funnel by clickfunnels, click the add new step-button.

When a customer places an order, they’re automatically forwarded to the new purchase page. Customers can fill in their contact and credit card information in one smooth process.

Be sure to thank your customers after they make a purchase. They will be forwarded back here where you can inform them of any other products that may interest them or even share some stories about their recent order!

  • Opt in-page

Opt in-page are used by businesses to advertise their products. They can provide a description of the product, its uses, and why it should be bought.

  • Purchase-page

After opting in, customers will be forwarded to this page where they make a purchase with the assurance of being able to edit their information before completing payment.

  • Thank you-page

After the customer has made a purchase, they will be forwarded to your thank you page.

Funnel editor

You have the opportunity to edit your funnel’s page with a click of a button. Once you are in the editor, there is room for creativity and personalization within this blank slate that will be used as an advertisement tool!

What’s The Best Strategy to Sell beats with funnels?

Selling beats with sales funnels like clickfunnels is different from selling beats with Beatstars or Airbit.

That’s the all-in-one reason to use both strategies.

With this strategy, you will be able to sell your beats more easily with Airbit or Beatstars by packaging them up through creative and engaging funnels.

It’s a proven formula in the marketing world that you can provide more value upfront, then offer up irresistible deals at the end.

Remember, don’t make them wait too long or they’ll never buy anything! Give them an offer that can’t be refused from the jump.

Once they purchase that offer, you will have another one waiting for them.

This is called an “upsell”.

As a new Funnel user, it’s natural to feel excited about the possibilities. With upsells on your beats page, you can make even more money and get access to premium content with every purchase!

You could double or triple your sales if you have multiple products.

Along with add promotion, mastering services, or another beat pack to increase the attention of customers.

The buyer will not need to enter their credit card information again on the upsell pages.

The customer doesn’t have to re-enter their payment or billing details when they go through our checkout process, which saves them time and frustration in the end.

By clicking the final button customer’s credit card will be charged automatically.

This is easy to build sales funnel inside of Clickfunnels.

Clickfunnels have over 30 ready templates for you to customize.

Email Marketing With Clickfunnels

You might have heard this saying & I love it, “the money is on the list,” and it’s true! You can build your all-important email list directly with ClickFunnels email automation service at no extra cost.

This is one of the top-class rich features that make Click Funnels worth it, in my opinion.

This software was made to be as intuitive and user-friendly as possible so you can make your life a little easier with this toolkit for marketing & sales funnel optimization.

I can’t believe how easy it was to create follow-up emails for every opt-in page I created. All of the features were available in my dashboard and didn’t require me ever having to leave!

And with Clickfunnels, you can integrate Aweber and Mailchimp into your marketing campaigns without any hassle.

Think you need some help building your own Membership area?

If you’ve got a beat pack library and want to bundle it up inside of membership, then there’s no better way than with Clickfunnels.

Your subscription service will be locked up in an exclusive, members-only access area. You can also continue adding new content to your membership and charge a monthly fee for newcomers who want their own accounts.

This platform is not the easiest thing to get off of.

How do I Drive Traffic to my Funnels?

This post will not get into the intricacies of traffic, but we want to give you a few thoughts on what could be some solutions.

There are 2 ways you can generate traffic: free traffic and paid traffic.

You may want to start considering free traffic strategies now, but many music producers will find it harder than ever before.

First of all, if you’re an aspiring producer who is just trying to make a name for yourself in the industry these days – good luck! You’ll have much more trouble selling your beats with Funnels coming into play.

Google’s algorithms are always changing, so it is important to stay on top of the latest trends. If you can provide high-quality or user-friendly content that gets ranked by Google and drive traffic through organic search ranking, then your business will grow exponentially.

I know most music producers who want to make money from their beats online are looking for that quick cash means fast traffic.

Set a Google AdWords account and running a paid campaign if you want fast traffic. The only way to guarantee that someone sees your site is by buying ads on a search engine like Google or Yahoo!

One of the best ways to see if your product is worth it or not, without getting too deep into complicated analytics and cost-of-sales calculations.

With over 70% of small businesses not knowing their conversion rates, you may be wondering if your marketing strategies are paying off. Luckily there’s a way to find out!

Did you know that the greatest music producer in history started with a $99 mic? When asked about his humble beginnings, he says “I don’t work for no one. I do it because I love producing.”

When your traffic converts into sales. once you’ve gotten past the threshold of success and scaled up to meet demand without sacrificing quality–that’s where you start thinking big!

Social media is an incredible way to get your content out there and build a following. Once you’ve got customers hooked on what you can offer to them, it will be easier than ever to drive them back into the funnel for conversion. Instagram & Facebook are the best places to build followers.

The best way to get started with new technology is to learn as much about it before you use it.

A lot of people think that they can make money easily, but early on it is about not losing money.

There is no better way to generate traffic for your business than with the power of Google AdWords, YouTube, and Twitter. Free or paid ads on these sites can be set up in minutes!

One of the keys to being successful with internet marketing is staying consistent, and I have found that this strategy has been key for me.

Marketing your music production company doesn’t have to be complicated. Assemble a team and focus on one core strategy, master it, then scale up the business.

Driving real traffic to your sales funnels by clickfunnels (highly recommended) is the key to success when learning how to sell beats with funnels.

Does selling beats using Funnels work or Click Funnel for Beats?

One of the common mistakes that people make when trying to grow their music production business is being too focused on getting a hit-and-run strategy. If you’re serious about growing your business and not just looking for an easy solution, then Funnel’s how to sell beats can work well with what you do best – making great songs!

You can sell beats with Funnels if you’re serious about it. You need to really commit and be ready for the long haul, though!

It’s true: if you follow the funnel-building strategies outlined in this article, then you can double your beat sales.

You might not be the first to sell beats online, but you can use this experience add this strategy into your repertoire as a way of selling more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you really sell beats with funnels?

Funnels are an excellent strategy for anyone looking to make more income selling beats. The different strategies allow you to reach a wider audience, which in turn leads to increased sales and profit margins.

Beat selling with funnels can be a great way to make more money and is surprisingly different from the other methods like Airbit or Beatstars.

How Much Does GetResponse cost compared to Clickfunnels ?

Clickfunnels offers a variety of subscription packages starting at $97 per month and up to $297. GetResponse only starts at the very lower price point of $15, but lacks some features that Clickfunnels has like website analytics.

Is Selling Beats With Funnels The Future?

Funnels are an integral component to any online marketing strategy because they help funnel prospects into conversion. In the beat selling industry, though, producers typically want a specific instrumental or song and not just one of many available in a pack. This has led some artists to produce their own original songs for use by other musicians on YouTube who can’t afford production costs themselves.


ClickFunnels is a great tool for selling beats online. It’s easy to get started with, and there are tons of features you can use to sell your product. For example, you could create an offer that includes the beat as well as other products like graphics or plugins. You have complete control over how much people pay for what they buy which means if someone buys more than one item from you in any category, their total cost will be discounted automatically! This way it doesn’t matter whether they bought just one thing or all five—they still only need to pay once shipping costs. If this sounds interesting, learn more about what Clickfunnels has by signing up here today!

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