How to integrate mailchimp with clickfunnels – A Step by Step Guide

Let’s start the small journey on how to integrate Mailchimp with clickfunnels.

MailChimp is a powerful tool for those who manage email lists and are looking to build their membership. By connecting your MailChimp account with ClickFunnels, you can easily integrate contacts from the latter into your former services without compromising any of the features that each offers individually. If you’re using Mailchimp as an autoresponder service and want to keep doing so but don’t know-how, this article will show you exactly what needs to be done in order to make it happen!

how to integrate mailchimp with clickfunnels


Users enjoy ClickFunnels for its easy-to-use platform and versatility. They can build a variety of different types on websites with pre-made templates that are customizable and responsive. Moreover, it features an A/B split-testing tool which helps them communicate with their customers more effectively.

Clickfunnels is a good tool for real estate investors in 2021. Check the full review.


Online business is becoming more and more popular. This trend has led to many entrepreneurs starting their own online businesses, with the help of email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp. These tools have made it easier for small-time marketers to reach out to potential customers and grow their customer base without having a huge budget. However, there are also some risks involved in using these services that you should be aware of before deciding whether or not you want your business to use them.

Important: Before doing all the steps in your Clickfunnels account, you’ll need to get your Mailchimp API key. This is specific for each email marketing platform and will let them share information directly with one another. Without this key, there’s no way of joining these two programs together – which means not being able to take advantage of their best features!

It’s nice to integrate mailchimp with clickfunnels but Clickfunnels also have an autoresponder, is it Paid or Free? Learn more…

How to integrate mailchimp with clickfunnels

Step 1: Retrieve Your MailChimp API Key

You can edit your account information by clicking on the MailChimp icon in the bottom left and selecting “Profile”.

2. Click Extras.

3. Select API keys.

4. Scroll down and click Create A Key.

5. Copy your API Key.

Step 2: Integrate Mailchimp with ClickFunnels

Important Note: Don’t forget to set up at least one MailChimp list in order for the integration to work properly.

  1. From within ClickFunnels, go to your Account Settings.
how to integrate clickfunnels with mailchimp

2. Select Integrations.

3. Click Add New Integration.

4. Search for MailChimp and select the Mailchimp Icon. 

5. Enter an account Nickname.

6. Enter your MailChimp API Key.

7. Click Add Integration.

You have successfully integrate clickfunnels with mailchimp

The platforms will now communicate seamlessly with one another, and this alone will save you tons of time by not having to switch between them. I can assure you that joining the programs was a smart move because it opens up more tools for your marketing arsenal
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You may have stumbled across this article by mistake, but you’re not the only one. Business owners haven’t been having as much success in getting prospects to pay attention and turn into loyal customers that don’t mind pulling money from their pockets. That’s where Clickfunnels and Mailchimp can help make a difference for your business – if it doesn’t already use them!

Clickfunnels is a program that lets you create sales funnels to guide prospects into making purchases. The best part about it, though, is the fact that even if they don’t have any previous experience in marketing or coding skills; Clickfunnel makes everything easy for them!

It is no secret that Mailchimp, with its market-leading automation tool and features such as dynamic segments to send highly targeted messages, has a lot of benefits for your e-mail marketing strategy. Clickfunnels offers you an easy way to access all the leads from various sources like social media sites or blogs but because it does not have these advanced features in its own platform you need another service provider. With this combination, we can guarantee super high conversion rates which will help make sure everything goes smoothly on your online journey!

Over to you

There are a lot of benefits to integrating Clickfunnels and Mailchimp. You will be able to leverage the power of both platforms in one streamlined marketing campaign, increasing your reach while also targeting specific markets with relevant messages that provide value.

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