Clickfunnels Backpack Pricing Review | Clickfunnels Backpack Pricing 2024

What is the affiliate tracking software and how does it work? Affiliate tracking software or Clickfunnels backpack will help you track your affiliates so that they are not able to cheat the system. You’ll be able to see which affiliates are performing well, which ones need a little more attention, and whether or not they’re even still active. It’s worth investing in this type of software because it can save time and money for your business! This post is mainly about clickfunnels backpack review & we revealed the all-important available features of clickfunnels backpack.

What is Clickfunnels backpack?

Clickfunnels Backpack is the perfect add-on for companies that need to manage a wide array of affiliates. This feature gives you more control in managing your affiliate marketing program by making it easy to handle all aspects from tracking clicks and commissions, as well as sending personalized follow-up emails with links back to their site or products they are promoting.

Just like actionetics email automation, Backpack is exclusively available in ClickFunnels. The application allows you to scale your business even while asleep and out of the office!

Clickfunnels Backpack Pricing

Backpack is a plugin that was built directly into ClickFunnels. You can’t get it with the basic $97/mo package but you do unlock this powerful tool when you upgrade to the $297 per month Etison plan or any more advanced plans which I will talk about later on in this post.

With ClickFunnels, you won’t ever have to worry about setting up any of these features because it is all at your fingertips!

The inbuilt function that makes this possible is great for entrepreneurs who don’t know how to code.

clickfunnels backpack review

Why do you need Backpack?

If you’re a business owner who has been using the traditional cold sales approach to get prospects, but now want something more engaging while being able to upsell and deliver your content securely through ClickFunnels membership sites – then this is for you.

Planning for traffic through SEO and other marketing avenues is a necessary step in the process of selling products. Consider doing this from an early stage, as it could make or break your business later on!

Planning to drive more traffic can be tricky if you don’t know where to start. There are plenty of strategies that will help bring new people to your site.

You can reach a point where you have no more budget or skills for driving traffic and need some help.

You might find yourself reaching the limits of your resources in terms of money, time, skill sets – all that is required to make it work.

And that’s what we’re all about!

And the goal can’t be achieved if you don’t serve them better.

That’s the core reason you need affiliate partners to take care of your overall marketing activities.

With the right affiliate partners, you can focus your complete energy on making products and services better than that of competitors by paying commissions for every customer or lead they bring.

Features of ClickFunnels Backpack

  • The Dashboard area

You’ll need to take a peek into the Backpack. This is where you see all your affiliate data and numbers, including how much they made for you as an owner of ClickFunnels, what percentage of their earnings are owed back to them by way of commission.

clickfunnels backpack review

I love to see where my money goes, and ClickFunnels is giving me that opportunity.

You’ll be able to see every single commission you make on your affiliate account with the click of a button.

You can keep track and monitor all commissions from different affiliations in one place using this tool!

  • Affiliate Section

The backpack is the most comprehensive way to add affiliates and edit their account information. You can manually enter them or manage from an existing campaign, all under one place in Backpack.

When a new person signs up for your affiliate program, they’ll automatically be added to the list of affiliates.

I know it sounds obvious so far but what happens when someone finds out about you and wants to sign up? When that day comes, all you need is an email address from them which will put their information in clickfunnels backpack system where we can keep track of how much everyone earns each month!

You will also have the opportunity to see a preview of your individual affiliate’s dashboard, giving you an idea of each and everyone’s performance.

  • Commissions Section

This is where you’ll see how hard your affiliates are working for your business.

Who earned it

Amount earned

The products or services sold

Commission due date

  • Payments

In affiliate management software the payment section is most sensitive part of it. This section allows you to keep track not only commissions that your partners have accrued, but how they are classified as well – such as: due, paid and future commissions.

With this being your own schedule, it is easier to know when you should pay them.

  • Leaderboards

Clickfunnels Leaderboards provide an overview of your affiliate’s rank, commissions, and more for promotion. For instance, if you are running the 2021 Spring Sale then after the promotional dates have ended you can access our dashboard to see which affiliate did best during that time period. The new feature is great because now Clickfunnel users can run affiliate contests!

  • Commission Plans

In this section of the ClickFunnels Backpack, you can customize how much commission your affiliates earn when they sell any product or service. They will be happy to see a generous 20% as default, but there are many other options available for those looking for more control.

There are a number of different ways in which you can motivate your affiliates to do more. For instance, there may be items that they want but don’t have the budget for or access to them- providing these things as rewards will help drive interest and motivation even further.

This is a great example of how one person’s success can create another. In this case, when your affiliate sponsors someone else to sell the same product that you are selling and then they make money from it themselves–you get more than just their effort!

This 2-tier system works in such a way where an associate will sponsor other affiliates who want to promote products on behalf of them.

Interesting right? It’s known as first tier and second tier.]

  • Affiliate Types

This is where you can create your own affiliate types. You’ll have the option of choosing from one of our pre-configured plans or designing a new plan yourself with custom conditions, bonuses and commissions.

When you’re running a multi-tier commission-based plan or have several types of affiliate programs for your products, it’s important to give affiliates the opportunity to properly identify themselves. You can do this by creating different names/titles that will be used in their marketing materials and on any pages they refer customers to so there is no confusion.

  • Affiliate Funnels

Whether you are an affiliate or not, this section will give you a list of all the funnels that have been created and shared with ClickFunnels Backpack members.

If you were to scroll down the page, there’s a section for “Affiliate Funnels.” From here it will show any funnels that are already linked and what programs they belong too.

  • Settings

This is where you can make adjustments to taxes and duration for your cookie-cutter. The options are always there, but now they’re easy to find as well!

How to use ClickFunnels Backpack

The backpack can be implemented without prior tech skills.

It’s easy to use and does not require any technical knowledge in order for you to get started!

If you are lost in it or need some direction on how to build an affiliate management system, then either upgrade your plan for more training efforts like funnel building with experts at one-on-one sessions.

It’s easier than you think.

The Backpack tutorial can be a great way to get organized. Check the following guide below to…..

How to create your affiliate commission plan in clickfunnels backpack

Step 1: Clicking on the Add Commission Plan button will take you to a screen that you can create a custom commission plan.

Step 2: Enter the name of the commission, status and currency of the commission plan

Then click Create Commission Plan

Step 3: Choose the affiliate type by clicking to segment qualified partners who are eligible for commission.

Choose favorite way of distributing your commissions: from affiliates, downline members, or both.

Step 4: After you’ve set the commission amount, months before pay and payment type click Add New Tier. This will create your tier!

Your Commission Plan is your own. You can make as many tiers as you want and customize them to perfection.

ClickFunnels Backpack Pricing

Paying $97 for a month you would not get access of Clickfunnels affiliate management.


If you’re looking for an easy way to manage your affiliates, then ClickFunnels is the place. Just one of the many features that are only available as part of their $297/month Etison Suite Plan or if you want a more advanced method there’s always this option inside in order to take advantage.

Upgrade your account to the Etison Suite Plan and unlock all of ClickFunnels’ tools, such as its Backpack, Actionetics system for email marketing automation, Membership Site functionality with unlimited funnels.

The ClickFunnels Etison Suite plan is a worthwhile investment for those who want to take advantage of Funnel Builder Secrets. You can get your six-month, 12-month subscription by purchasing the package that includes it now!

You need to pay more than $1,000 upfront to access all that.

The ClickFunnels offer is a complete and total package. You’ll be able to use it for any purpose you want, from eCommerce sites up through complex marketing pages with the help of all these bonuses! For more info about Clickfunnels different plans and features just check Clickfunnels review in detail.

Why Backpack differs

The aspects you need to consider before considering clickfunnels backpack affiliate system:

  • Sticky Cookies

ClickFunnels Backpack makes use of sticky cookies. This means that if someone buys a product using an affiliate link and then later buys another different product, even when they didn’t go through an affiliate link this time- the original promoter that means the same affiliate marketer will earn the commission for both sales!

  • Backpack Supports Only US Dollars

The backpack is currently limited to the US dollar. While this might be great for Americans, it can make shopping at Backpack a hassle if you’re located in another country where USD isn’t your local currency.

  • Backpack Supported Payment Gateways

The backpack is a service that has the capability to track sales from over 20 different sources. This includes PayPal, Stripe, Braintree, EasyPayDirect, ClickBank, JVZoo, Recurly, Warrior Plus, Bluesnap, Ontraport, and NMI.

Can you get clickfunnels backpack for cheaper?

The price is fixed at the moment and Clickfunnels doesn’t offer any discounts for their Backpack feature.

You can get the Clickfunnels Backpack feature for free if you buy the Clickfunnels Funnel Builder Secrets Package.

Not only will you get a 6-12 month bonus to Etison Suite, but it also includes Backpack!

The Funnel Builder Secrets is one of the best deals that Clickfunnels offers and a great way to perfect your funnel-building skillset. It’s intended for people who are serious about using Clickfunnels, which was why Russel (co-founder of click funnels) decided to throw in some bonuses from those who purchase it.
If you’re not ready yet or can’t afford this price point then don’t despair because there’s another less pricey alternative called One Funnel Away Challenge.


Hope you love the Clickfunnels Backpack review.

Clickfunnels Backpack is a feature that allows you to manage your affiliates and their performance right from the dashboard. When I first started using this tool, it was frustrating because there are no instructions on how to use it or what each of its features means (it should be noted that they do have some videos available for training). After spending a few hours with the help desk trying to get my head around all of these new tools, I came up with five tips for getting started with ClickFunnels backpack if you’ve never used it before. Hopefully, this will save someone else time in figuring out where everything is!

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