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NEW Clickfunnels $19 Dollars a Month Plan - 30 Days Trial 2023

If you are thinking about signing up for the Clickfunnels $19 plan? In this article, I’ll share what it is and why so many people are interested in signing on to this program.

This is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs who have just started with Clickfunnels.

Clickfunnels is a funnel building software created by Russell Brunson founder of Clickfunnels. It can be used to create channels, sales pages, and campaigns with email marketing or customer tracking! This powerful tool for businesses of any size helps you operate independently without connecting other programs which means it’s easier than ever before get started quickly on your campaign- from design through fulfillment–all while staying within one platform.

clickfunnels $19 plan

What is the Clickfunnels 19 Dollar Plan?

Clickfunnels offers a $19 monthly plan that has attracted attention because the price is very cheap compared to other sales funnel builder software in the market. However, users must beware of its limitations when in use as well!

  • New Users and Small Businesses: The $19 plan is ideal for individuals and small businesses who are new to ClickFunnels and want to test its effectiveness without a significant financial commitment.
  • Exploratory Phase: Users who are still in the exploratory phase of their business or marketing strategies can benefit from the $19 plan to evaluate ClickFunnels’ suitability for their needs before deciding on a higher-priced plan.
  • Shared Funnel Enthusiasts: Those who are interested in leveraging shared funnels created by others in the ClickFunnels community can find great value in the $19 plan, as it allows access to these shared resources.
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Is the Clickfunnels $19 plan still active?

The ClickFunnels $19 plan, which was discontinued in 2019, had certain benefits and drawbacks worth considering. While it provided a more affordable entry point for users, there were limitations to customization and the overall user experience.

Benefits of the $19 Plan:

  • Lower Cost: The $19 plan allowed users to access ClickFunnels at a more affordable price point, making it accessible for those on a tight budget or just starting out.

Drawbacks of the $19 Plan:

  • Limited Features: Compared to the higher-priced plans, the $19 plan had fewer features and functionalities available. This limited users’ ability to fully leverage the platform’s capabilities.
  • Customization Constraints: The cheaper plan often had limitations in terms of customization options, particularly regarding design elements. Users may have felt restricted in creating a unique and tailored user experience.
  • Potential Setup Challenges: ClickFunnels can require a significant amount of setup and configuration, especially for beginners. The lower-priced plan may not have provided sufficient resources or support for users to overcome these challenges effectively.
  • Short Money-Back Guarantee: With a 30-day money-back guarantee, users had a limited window to explore the platform and determine if it met their needs. This timeframe may not have been enough for users to fully grasp the capabilities and potential of ClickFunnels.

It’s important to note that since the discontinuation of the $19 plan, ClickFunnels offers different pricing options starting at $97 per month. These higher-priced plans provide more features, customization options, and support, allowing users to maximize their experience with the platform.

Overall, while the $19 plan offered an affordable entry point to ClickFunnels, its limitations in terms of features, customization, and setup challenges made it less ideal for users seeking a comprehensive and flexible marketing solution.

The Key benefits of Clickfunnels $19 monthly plan

  • Affordable Entry Point: The $19 plan provides a cost-effective option for individuals and small businesses who want to explore ClickFunnels without committing to higher-priced plans.

  • Access to Shared Funnels: Users subscribed to the $19 plan can benefit from shared funnels, even without paying extra. This feature allows users to leverage pre-built funnels shared by others within the ClickFunnels community, saving time and effort in creating funnels from scratch.

  • Commission Opportunities: By subscribing to the $19 plan through someone’s referral link, users not only gain access to shared funnels but also have the potential to earn commissions by recommending ClickFunnels to others. This can be advantageous for those looking to generate additional income.

Compared to the current $97 and $297 monthly plan, the Clickfunnels 19 plan is very limited.

Clickfunnels $19 plan limits

  • You get up to 3 shared funnels: These are the funnels you subscribe to, with a shared subscription. You cannot decide which one you want- they offer them all so just find someone who has similar interests as yours and choose from there!
  • Cannot create your funnels: The $19 plan is a better deal than the one-month option because you can create your own desired funnel and add new pages to shared channels. However, this doesn’t come with many added features for those who want more control over their website design process or just prefer doing things themselves from scratch instead of collaborating on something that someone else has created already.
  • It depends on who shares the funnel with you: The Clickfunnels $19 plan is a shared funnel, so you’ll need to count on who shares the fun with you. You cannot decide for yourself which step in your sales process will be most effective; whether it’s generating leads or converting them into customers–you just don’t have any control over what their end goal might be.
  • Feature Restrictions: The $19 plan has certain limitations compared to higher-tier plans. Users may encounter constraints in terms of the number of funnels they can create, the level of customization available, and access to advanced features offered in more expensive plans.
  • Advanced Integration and Automation: Some advanced integration options and automation features, such as Actionetics and Backpack, are not available in the $19 plan. Users seeking more sophisticated marketing automation capabilities may need to upgrade to higher-priced plans.

Clickfunnels $19 is a perfect plan for beginners who just want to try out the software and see what it’s all about, but if you’re serious about developing an online business without spending extra money on features then I would recommend going with one of Click Funnel’s higher-tiered plans.

When the $19 plan was first created, it seemed like a fantastic deal for new users. However, by 2019, there are many other platforms out on to promote and market your business that can offer more value than Clickfunnels at just one price point of nineteen dollars per month or less with an annual subscription fee instead; this may have been why Russell Brunson stopped offering this option in his experiments?

Alternative solution Clickfunnels $19 Plan

ClickFunnels has established itself as an invaluable tool for businesses across various industries. Despite recent developments, the platform continues to offer a range of excellent deals, enabling businesses to attract new clients and unlock growth opportunities. 

  • ClickFunnels: Driving Business Growth and Success:
    ClickFunnels has proven to be a game-changer for businesses, empowering them to create optimized sales funnels and effectively convert leads into customers. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, ClickFunnels simplifies the process of capturing, nurturing, and closing sales. The platform’s ability to streamline marketing and sales efforts has made it a go-to choice for entrepreneurs, marketers, and businesses of all sizes.
  • Ongoing Deals and Opportunities:
    Despite recent developments, ClickFunnels continues to offer attractive deals that provide businesses with significant value. These deals encompass various pricing plans, each tailored to meet different business needs and budgets. Whether businesses opt for the Startup, ClickFunnels Platinum, or Two Comma Club X plan, they can take advantage of a range of features and benefits that help drive growth and maximize conversions.
  • Acquiring New Clients Daily:
    ClickFunnels’ robust features and proven success in generating leads and conversions present businesses with the opportunity to acquire new clients on a daily basis. By leveraging ClickFunnels’ capabilities, businesses can create compelling sales funnels, capture leads, and nurture them through strategic marketing automation. The platform’s ability to optimize the customer journey helps businesses expand their reach, engage with prospects, and convert them into loyal customers.
  • Unlocking Growth Opportunities:
    ClickFunnels serves as a catalyst for unlocking growth opportunities, allowing businesses to scale their operations and increase revenue. The platform’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor and extensive library of templates enable businesses to quickly create high-converting landing pages, sales funnels, and marketing campaigns. ClickFunnels also offers comprehensive analytics and split-testing capabilities, empowering businesses to refine their strategies and optimize conversion rates for sustained growth.

Clickfunnels Free for 30 days

The 14-day free plan is a great deal to get started with Clickfunnels. You can sign up for the $97 or 297 plans, and then after your trial ends you’ll still have access to all of its features!

How to get clickfunnels for $19?

It’s unfortunate that the Clickfunnels 19 plan isn’t available just yet, but don’t worry – there are other options for building your landing page just check out the Clickfunnels $97 vs $297 comparison.

How to get Funnel Scripts $297 plan?

Funnel Scripts used to offer a $297 plan, but it has since been replaced with the new and improved Funnel script plans. The only way, for now, is through their entire lineup which begins at $797.

How to get funnel scripts $37 plan?

Clickfunnels $37 personal plan is no longer available, but don’t worry! You can still get an amazing deal on the special offers page.

How to get a Clickfunnels Discount?

Clickfunnels bundle offers is a great deal to start with a discounted price. You can find a lot of bundle just visiting the discount page.

Join Clickfunnels OFA Challenge

The OFA Challenge is the heart of Clickfunnels to start as a startup entrepreneur. You can find a lot of opportunities nurturing your skills to build a successful sales funnel.

Summary on Clickfunnels 19 plan

ClickFunnels still has many other incentive options for your business. In addition, if you are new to the platform and want full access in just 14 days with no strings attached then sign up for free! You will receive a limited period of time but can explore all features – even those not available on our more expensive plans or as part of an offer package from Clickfunnels.

The $19 plan is a small price to pay when compared with the big picture. This software will provide you with everything that other more expensive programs have, and it may even allow you an opportunity into affiliate marketing or lead generation campaigns so as not only to save money but also to make some extra cash!

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