How much does it cost to become a clickfunnels Certified Partner?

ClickFunnels is an online software company that provides a platform for businesses and entrepreneurs to create and manage sales funnels. One of the benefits of using ClickFunnels is that it allows users to become certified partners, which can be a valuable credential for those looking to build a career in online marketing. In this article, we will explore how much it costs to become a ClickFunnels certified partner.

What is a ClickFunnels Certified Partner?

A ClickFunnels Certified Partner is an individual or agency that has completed the ClickFunnels certification program. This program is designed to train and certify individuals in the use of ClickFunnels and its associated features, as well as in sales and marketing techniques that can be used to promote ClickFunnels and other products.

Becoming a ClickFunnels Certified Partner can be a valuable asset for those looking to build a career in online marketing. Certified Partners have access to exclusive training and resources, as well as the ability to promote ClickFunnels and earn commissions for their referrals.

How much does it cost to become a ClickFunnels Certified Partner?

The cost of becoming a ClickFunnels Certified Partner can vary depending on a number of factors. The two main costs associated with becoming a Certified Partner are the certification program itself and the ongoing cost of maintaining certification.

The ClickFunnels certification program currently costs $10,000. This fee covers access to the certification course, as well as ongoing training and support. The program is designed to take approximately six months to complete, although the exact length of time can vary depending on individual circumstances.

In addition to the certification program fee, Certified Partners are also required to maintain their certification on an annual basis. This involves completing a certain number of continuing education credits and paying an annual renewal fee of $997. Failure to maintain certification can result in the loss of Certified Partner status and associated benefits.

Other costs associated with becoming a ClickFunnels Certified Partner can include the cost of any necessary software or tools, as well as the cost of marketing and advertising to promote ClickFunnels and attract clients.

Is becoming a ClickFunnels Certified Partner worth the cost?

The decision to become a ClickFunnels Certified Partner ultimately depends on individual circumstances and goals. For those looking to build a career in online marketing, becoming a Certified Partner can be a valuable asset. The certification program provides comprehensive training in ClickFunnels and associated marketing techniques, as well as access to exclusive resources and support.

Certified Partners also have the ability to earn commissions on referrals, which can provide a valuable source of income. However, it is important to note that success as a Certified Partner requires hard work, dedication, and ongoing effort to maintain certification and attract clients.

For those who are not interested in building a career in online marketing or who do not have the resources to invest in certification, becoming a Certified Partner may not be worth the cost. However, for those who are willing to invest in their education and career, becoming a ClickFunnels Certified Partner can provide valuable opportunities and benefits.


In conclusion, becoming a ClickFunnels Certified Partner can be a valuable asset for those looking to build a career in online marketing. The certification program provides comprehensive training in ClickFunnels and associated marketing techniques, as well as access to exclusive resources and support. However, it is important to note that becoming a Certified Partner requires a significant investment of time and resources, including a $10,000 fee for the certification program and ongoing annual renewal fees. Ultimately, the decision to become a ClickFunnels Certified Partner depends on individual circumstances and goals, and those who are willing to invest in their education and career can reap the benefits of this valuable credential.

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