Sales Funnel vs Pipeline: Key Concepts to Increase Revenue

Sales funnel and pipeline are two commonly used terms in the world of sales and marketing. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they actually refer to two different concepts. In this article, we will explore the differences between sales funnel and pipeline and how they are used in sales and marketing.

Sales Funnel

The sales funnel is a visual representation of the steps that a potential customer takes in the buying process. The funnel consists of different stages that represent the customer journey from awareness to purchase. The stages in a typical sales funnel are:

  1. Awareness: This is the stage where the customer becomes aware of your brand and product.
  2. Interest: At this stage, the customer shows some interest in your product or service.
  3. Consideration: The customer is now considering your product as a possible solution to their problem.
  4. Intent: The customer has decided to purchase your product or service.
  5. Evaluation: At this stage, the customer evaluates your product and compares it with other options.
  6. Purchase: The customer decides to purchase your product or service.
  7. Loyalty: The customer becomes a loyal customer and may recommend your product to others.

The sales funnel helps businesses understand how their customers interact with their brand and where they drop off in the buying process. By identifying the stages in the funnel, businesses can optimize their marketing and sales efforts to improve customer engagement and conversion rates.

Sales Pipeline

The sales pipeline, on the other hand, is a visual representation of the sales process from the perspective of the sales team. The pipeline consists of different stages that represent the sales process from lead generation to closing the deal. The stages in a typical sales pipeline are:

  1. Lead generation: This is the stage where potential customers are identified and contacted.
  2. Qualification: At this stage, the potential customer is evaluated to determine if they are a good fit for the product or service.
  3. Needs assessment: The sales team evaluates the potential customer’s needs and provides a solution that meets their requirements.
  4. Proposal: A proposal is presented to the potential customer.
  5. Negotiation: The terms and conditions of the deal are negotiated.
  6. Closing: The deal is closed, and the product or service is delivered to the customer.

The sales pipeline helps businesses understand the status of their sales activities and the potential revenue from each deal. By identifying the stages in the pipeline, businesses can optimize their sales process and identify areas that need improvement.

Sales Funnel vs Pipeline

The main difference between sales funnel and pipeline is that the sales funnel focuses on the customer journey, while the sales pipeline focuses on the sales process. The sales funnel is a marketing tool that helps businesses understand their customers’ behavior and engagement with their brand, while the sales pipeline is a sales tool that helps businesses manage their sales activities and revenue generation.

Another difference between the sales funnel and pipeline is the scope of the stages. The sales funnel includes the entire customer journey from awareness to purchase, while the sales pipeline focuses on the sales process from lead generation to closing the deal.

Although the sales funnel and pipeline are different concepts, they are interconnected. The sales funnel provides leads to the sales pipeline, and the sales pipeline helps convert leads into customers. By understanding the relationship between the sales funnel and pipeline, businesses can optimize their sales and marketing efforts and increase revenue.


Sales funnel and pipeline are two critical concepts in the world of sales and marketing. Although they are different, they are interconnected, and understanding the relationship between them can help businesses optimize their sales and marketing efforts. The sales funnel focuses on the customer journey, while the sales pipeline focuses on the sales process. By utilizing both concepts, businesses can increase their revenue and improve customer engagement.

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