30 Days Book Russell Brunson Review 2024

30 days book

Russell Brunson is the author of what many consider to be one of the most influential books on marketing, sales, and entrepreneurship. 30 Days Book Russell Brunson has been at the forefront of marketing for decades and continues to reshape how business is done in today’s fast-paced world. This book will take you through a step-by-step process that will prepare you for success as an entrepreneur or marketer. Whether you are looking at your first job or are trying to grow your own business, this book can help!

The 30 days book is the physical playbook of accomplished entrepreneurs who build their business with clickfunnels. These successful individuals share their insights and secrets to help you on your path towards success as well!

What would you do if your business was to unexpectedly go up in flames?

Russell Brunson, the founder of ClickFunnel made it his mission to ask 100 successful clickfunnels users who had earned a minimum $1000000 from one funnel what they would personally do over 30 days if their businesses went up in smoke.

From 100 the top 30 of the detailed case study Russell  Brunson composes on the 30 days book.
The 30 days book really worth the investment.

The authors of the book breaking new records over the internet. In a step of the article, we revealed their names.

What is the 30 Days book by Russell Brunson about?

30 Days is a 550 pages hardcover book that contains all the information you need to start an online business from scratch in just 30 days. This book will teach you how to make money without having any of these things, such as no list or product and not knowing where traffic comes from with rich content on monetizing your website, email marketing, social media strategies, and more.

In this book, Russell Brunson asked members of the 2 Comma Club what would they do after loosing everything? Out of 100 people who replied he compiled their information into 30 chapters with each chapter displaying one person’s plan for success as well as valuable tips on supplements like email marketing or social media management. If you liked his Virtual Summit then you should also enjoy this guide which includes step-by-step instructions detailing every aspect that needs your attention when starting out!

Price of 30 days book

The book cost you $97, But I mentioned earlier the price definitely worth of the investment.


You can get it for free by joining the one funnel away challenge. The OFA challenge costs $100 in total.

We highly recommended you Join Russell Brunson’s most popular training program.

By joining the OFA not only the 30 days book but also get other bonuses as well like…

  1. OFA challenge workbook
  2. 2 comma club guide
  3. Mp3 player with pre-recorded missions
  4. Lifetime access of 30 days summit

What you will find inside the book

The core theory of the book is to build a business from zero, if you have some knowledge or any business in your mind then you can implement your ideas by starting your own empire even if you have no money, no investment, no product as well.

The 30 days book has 550 pages where ideas, knowledge, strategies shared by 2 comma club members.

Chapters of Book

Trey Lewellen: He has one of the most up-to-date formulas on how to successfully launch a new product.
The formula is an all-inclusive approach where he will help you physically and virtually, too!

Liz Benny: Reveals his secrets on high-end Coaching program.

Garrett white: He shared “core 4” theories for achieving success.

Allison Prince: He emphasizes on E-commerce business. He talks about how his school-aged daughter build 6 figure E-commerce.

Dana Derricks: Shared his own ideas “Dream 100” that helped him as an entrepreneur and for his clients as well.

Julie Stoian: How to set up the first week to establish credibility. She emphasizes on 3 profitability steps to attract high ticket customers.

Stephen Larsen: How to add values on product searching that customers crazy to buy it.

Stacey Martino: He emphasizes on three qualities that help you to get success. The 3 Non-Negotiables of Success: Patience, Persistence and Practice

 Ed Osdurn: The number 1 powerful factor than a testimonial for converting a visitor to a sell.

Tyler Shaule: How to Perform different non-Profit Campaigns to building your business – 4 simple steps

Rachel Pedersen: How to use social media for Business Marketing. He shared the story of how he increases clients income $4000/month to $7000 per day.

Jeremy mcGilvrey: How to find Profitable niches on Instagram in Minutes.

Peng joon: How to attract customers to high ticket live event.

Myron Golden: He shared his own hacks to build $10 million per year for his clients.

Jaime Cross: How to optimize your offers before building your funnel.

Dan Henry: Shared his knowledge in FB advertising & the story how he build $3 million Dollar business in one Year.

Joe McCall: Techniques on high ticket coaching offer.

Spencer Mecham: Guides on affiliate marketing on Autopilot.

Anissa Holmes: How to use Facebook for getting clients in regular basis that fill every slot in your schedule.

Dean Holland: Launching new products and made high ticket sales by webinar strategy.

John Lee Dumas: He shared his 2 hidden techniques in his 7 figure business.

Rob Kosberg: How to made $25000 sales day after day from webinar.

Natalie Hodson: How to expand new markets by influencers.

30 Days Book Russell Brunson Review: Final Thoughts

I love all the strategies of Russell Brunson. I think every program by Russell Brunson totally worth it. The 30 days book one of the great inventions together with his marketing team.

The 30 Days Book Russell Brunson is the physical playbook of accomplished entrepreneurs who build their business with ClickFunnels. These successful individuals share their insights and secrets to help you on your path towards success as well! If this sounds like something that might be useful for you, then head over to https://30daysbook.com/ where they have both a free preview and discounted prices available depending on whether or not you want an ebook version or hardcover copy of the book in addition to all of these goodies. We can’t wait to hear about how much progress we see from our readers when they go through this program together!

Never miss out my another discussion on the Expert Secrets audio book by click funnels to read on.

30 Days Summit Review (FREE Virtual Summit with Book 2024)

30 Days Summit Review (FREE Virtual Summit with Book 2022)

The ClickFunnels 30 Days Summit is a comprehensive program designed to help entrepreneurs and marketers master the art of building and optimizing sales funnels within a 30-day timeframe. This article provides an in-depth review of the ClickFunnels 30 Days Summit, outlining its key features, benefits, and outcomes. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this program promises to revolutionize your online business and skyrocket your sales.

Most of the topic is about 30 days summit by Russell Brunson.

30 days summit review

What is ClickFunnels 30 Days Summit?

Imagine you have lost everything or you have nothing to start with!
However, you have options to get opinions from experts and you can learn from the people with vast experiences.


The ClickFunnels 30 days summit is an online course which gives you an opportunity to learn from 30 exclusive entrepreneurs of Clickfunnels. On this; they will make you learn what strategies they would do if they had to start with $0.

Also, it is a FREE online training program regarding funnel marketing. From this, you can learn effective strategies about online marketing and how and what proportion is required if you want the best from it.
The summit is dedicated to all online entrepreneurs.

The people who enroll for the summit can get access to an interesting topic.

Russell Brunson asked his most successful Clickfunnels user “What would you do over 30 days if you suddenly lose everything

He got responses beyond his expectations and his exclusive members provided well-organized and planned strategies for 30 days with explanations. To add, during this virtual summit they went along with the same to share their “30 days” plan for FREE!

In a nutshell, the plan & program are the golden nuggets for a newbie who is suffering from different problems, who just wants to start from zero & wants a lot more.

Without any doubt, the Summit is for…

  • Who is planning to start
  • Suffering from the existing Business
  • Who want to expand their business

What will you learn from the ClickFunnels 30 Days Summit?

So, definitely you will learn about different business techniques by which you can promote your product to more customers.

However, the summit will make you understand about the following things:

  • How to attach hook/ grabber on your product scripts regularly.
  • How to create attractive offers to ensure a high conversion rate.
  • How to create and launch your own high-converting and highly effective sales funnel.
  • How to hold a bunch of loyal customers regularly.
  • The 30 days summit will make you learn how to convince your customers to maintain a regular cycle of transaction by them.
  • How to make money online in a fast way!

Speakers of the 30 days Virtual Summit

You will get to understand about different topics from 30 magnificent speakers and from them you can choose yourself.

  • John Lee Dumas – Podcast Host
  • Trey Lewellen – Physical Product Sales
  • Anissa Holmes – Dentistry Practice
  • Liz Benny – Life and Business Transformation
  • Spencer Mecham – Affiliate Marketing
  • Julie Stoian – Internet Marketing
  • Caitlin Pyle – Information Products
  • Dan Henry – Facebook Ad Specialist
  • Akbar Sheikh – Ethical Principles of Persuasion
  • Stephen Larsen – Funnel Building/MLM
  • Jeremy McGilvrey – Instagram expert
  • Tyler Shaule – Non Profit Children’s Summer Camp
  • Joe McCall – Real Estate Investing
  • Rachel Pedersen – Digital Marketing
  • Rhonda Swan Personal Branding
  • Raoul Plickat Sales and Marketing
  • Myron Golden – Personal Dev. Sales and Marketing
  • Garrett White – Coaching and Consulting
  • Dana Derricks – Non-broke Entrepreneur
  • Dean Holland – Internet Marketing
  • David Asarnow – Funnel Marketing Agency
  • Rob Kosberg – Publishing and Media
  • Natalie Hodson Fitness Business
  • James Friel – Autopilot Entrepreneur
  • Ed Osburn – Health Professionals
  • Jaime Cross – Organic Skincare
  • Alison Prince – Ecommerce Business
  • Pat Rigsby – Fitness Business
  • Stacey Martino – Relationship Coaching
  • Peng Joon – Internet Marketing
30 days virtual summit coaches

30 days Virtual Summit Price

The Joining cost of the summit is completely Free. Anyone can join in the 30 days summit who has a Business Mind.
By joining free you will get access to all the Premium & most valuable videos of the Program.
Moreover, it comes with attractive Bonuses

30 days Hardcover Book

There is a Hard Copy Book called 30 Days. The book covered all the topics of the summit in 550 pages. Read in detail about 30 days book.
But, to get the Book for free you have to join the One Funnel Away Challenge.

Virtual Summit Bonus: OFA Challenge

If you know who Russell Brunson is, you may be familiar with Clickfunnels. Clickfunnel is a kind of landing page used to sell products online.

Online Entrepreneurs use Clickfunnels to increase their business sales. Without a sales funnel, you cannot get more sales as well as customer integration. You can read Clickfunnels reviews in detail here.

So, OFA or One Funnel Away Challenge is the initial step to build or start a successful sales funnel. By joining the Program Russell Brunson, Stephen Larsen, and Julie Stoian will be coaching you to launch your first sales funnel.

In 30 days, you will have a FREE funnel by Clickfunnels which is built and ready to gather sales & customer attraction.

The joining cost of the program is $100. Also, by joining the Program you will get a kit with 30 Days Book, OFA workbook, an MP3 player with previously recorded training about funnel, and a lot more.

Final words

The ClickFunnels 30 Days Summit is a game-changer for entrepreneurs and marketers seeking to build highly effective sales funnels. With daily training videos, expert guidance, pre-designed templates, and a supportive community, participants gain the knowledge and tools needed to create optimized sales funnels that drive conversions and increase revenue. If you’re ready to take your online business to new heights, the ClickFunnels 30 Days Summit is a must-attend program. Unlock the secrets to successful online sales funnels and watch your business flourish within just 30 days. Start your journey to funnel mastery today!

Read More About Clickfunnels...

A Successful Business Owner Loves What They Do. Join the Russell Brunson OFA Challege! Click Here!​

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Russell Brunson Books Honest review 2024

russell brunson books

Russell Brunson one of the most successful online entrepreneurs. He is the popular Author worldwide & mostly in the United States. His most Popular Books like Dotcom Secrets, Expert Secrets & Traffic Secrets.

Russell Brunson got Popularity mostly for Funnel Marketing.

He is the Founder of Clickfunnels. Here we review Russell Brunson books & who should read them.

In his books, he talks about online Business, Entrepreneurship, Audience & lot of proven methods he used to promote his business.

In his books he add values in Funnel marketing, how funnel works, Benefits of sales funnel, How increase conversion using funnels.

Russell Brunson Books 2021

The Dotcom Secrets book

The Dotcom Secrets Book Published in 2015. Since 2015 the book sold over 200000 copies & still in 2020 the book one of the major book by Russell Brunson.

Who needs this book?

The book specially for the online business owners. The book will guide the entrepreneurs to build a profitable business platform.

In the book it’s widely discuss about sales funnel.

In term of online marketing the sales funnel is the key to Promote your business in a great style.

Russell Brunson teach you about funnel.

(Funnel is the Step by step actionable web pages that contains your business offers & which play with customers sphyciology)

The Dotcom Secrets give you a detailed guidelines about funnel marketing, how to get targeted customers. Eventually it’s a overall package for making money online as a entrepreneur.

Mentioned earlier, Russell is the Co-founder of Clickfunnels & got success in online marketing platform.

For his readers Russell shared all his hidden techniques that he gained over his marketing carrier.

 Finally, the book will help you to make your first sales funnel using clickfunnels, he shared the funell marketing techniques and scripts you should use in your funnel too.

So, it’s a worm guideline on how you can make a successful business ventures online.

Expert Secrets book

It’s another gift by Russell Brunson. The Expert Secrets Book published in 2017 with some expert secrets.

The topics and the information are valuable because all are provided by experts in their fields.

The lessons are interesting for anyone.

Russell Brunson Suggest this book anyone who have business mind.

If you have some idea about cooking the book will help you to generate or Produce your Own first product & sell it.

It’s interesting!

Isn’t It?

Who doesn’t loves proven tips?

Over 100 of experts reveled their expert formulas & hidden techniques on this book that they tried & tested.

I love this motivational words “Everyone is an expert ”

In everyone human there are something to grow just you have to find it & grow it big.

So, think Big.

The expert secrets book is the Continious of Dotcom secrets.

Therefore,  Russell Brunson shared expert funnel marketing techniques.

At a Glance

The Expert Secrets will help you to find your expertise

Help you to build your Own Products

It teach you how to grow your own community, fan follower

Give you the powerful voice & leadership in you

Using clickfunnels how to make sales funnel, how to market your funnel and more.

Traffic Secrets Book

The latest book published in 26 March in 2020.

After publishing the Traffic secrets book Russell Brunson Complete his trilogy on online marketing business.

Dotcom secrets all about Online Business

Expert Secrets book help you to grow yourself as a successful business owners.

And the latest Traffic secrets teach you how to drive traffic to you business

Traffic is the most valuable assets in online business platform. Without any traffic there is no sales eventually there no returns.

You have to build business/products just once but driving traffic is a continuous process.

To live in the long run it’s always a tough game for marketers.

In the book Russell Brunson shows how to change the momentum, how to expand new markets.

He shared techniques how to target market internationally even in different languages

You will get over 100 source of traffic generation.

How to set low cost paid campaign

How to re-target existing customer with a lower ad cost etc.

Over to you

Russell Brunson Books (hard copy) are free for everyone just pay little for shipping only.

If someone planning to start anything on online then it’s highly recommended Russell Brunson books to read.

Russell Brunson loves Entrepreneurship.

He provides motivational value for the newbie entrepreneurs.

 He shows how to grow self-power & how to set new goals finally, how to execute them.

Traffic Secrets Review

Hey, welcome to the traffic secrets review.


Thanks for landing at “Funnel Adder”

FunnelAdder is a Great Place to get knowledge about Marketing funnels, Business Funnels, Sales funnels, etc.

The Funnel Adder team working hard to help people wants to build their first funnel.

Along with that, we have a bunch of information to drive traffic to the sales funnel.

“Traffic secrets” one of the reliable way to increase Traffic to your Business.

“Funnel Adder” loves the Secrets.

What is Traffic?

In the terms of Online Marketing, traffic is the bloodline for any business.

As an entrepreneur, you need traffic, right?

How’s about you plan to drive traffic to the sales funnel?

It’s may be

  1. Social Media ads
  2. Search Engine traffic
  3. youtube traffic etc

If you are driving a specific amount of traffic but want to grow big & increase your ads budget but if you losing money without sales.

What will be the Consumption?

The Conclusion is you are missing out to expand your markets.

Yes, there is various source of quality traffic, different techniques that help you to convert a new person to a Customer that make sales.

Would you love to expand those traffic sources that generate leads? Start with the Free Traffic Secrets Book by Russell Brunson.

  1. Be an 8 figure entrepreneur like Russell Brunson just find out the right traffic source that ideal for your Business
  2. Expands new markets, if one has gone down, your business would not crash.

Let’s order the new Traffic Secrets Book & see the all important chapters.

Note: Traffic Secrets book is different from Traffic Secrets course. The book is just newly released on March 16.

But, the Course is still useful to generate leads & drive traffic to the sales funnel.

What is Traffic Secrets Book?

A book all about generating traffic to you Business or sales funnel.

The book is the latest invention by Russell Brunson (ClickFunnels , CO-Founder)

The core prospects of accumulating this book are just given complete satisfaction for  Clickfunnels users.

Without any doubt the new Traffic Secrets Book is the part of a trilogy:

  1. Dotcom Secrets – All about building a sales funnel
  2. Expert Secrets – Why & how to build a tribe
  3. Traffic Secrets – Traffic Generation

This book focused on some valuable features as follows…

  1. How to discover your Dream Customer
  2.  How to make sales from the first day of your business
  3. For growing big, how to expands new markets
  4. How to set up a continuing process for traffic generation

What is Traffic Secrets Course?

It’s an all in one Marketing solutions for anyone.

The Course discovers new methods of traffic generation to your sales funnel or website.

The intension is clear to make someone perfect in online business, who gain a wide range of traffic generation formula, if a platform crashes, can grow up with other platforms.

The Training Covers the topics: SEO, Social media, Podcast, Mobile Apps, Software & Widgets, Paid Advertising, Email Marketing & how to expands new traffic sources internationally.

It’s valuable for beginners to top level marketers.

The Course contains 24 modules, each module divided into several sections, where discussed every part and parcel of the module.

Who created the Book?

2 years of hardworking by Russell Brunson, the book was released on 16 March 2020.

Yes, Russell Brunson is the Author for the Book.

But the course,

It was created by John Reese.

When John Reese revealed the course for the first time he got a massive responses by making $1 million just in 18 Hours.

The Course has 24 modules & originally created for professional online marketers. He shows every part and parcel of online marketing techniques so that they can drive traffic to their business for making sales.

The second part of the course…

Russell Brunson inspired by John’s $1 million just in 18 hours. He just started to follow John and one day he asks John for the course rights.

Finally, John bought the full rights of the traffic secrets course & it’s all for $1 million.

Now, anyone can join the course in the Clickfunnels membership site.

Traffic Secrets Cost

The Traffic Secrets Book Value = Book Price

Traffic Secrets Book Value Not equal to its Price


The Book is free for all.


You have to pay the shipping cost which $9.95 for the USA shipping & $19.95 for international shipping.

Other Costs…

  1. Traffic Secrets Audio Book $37
  2. Traffic Secrets 2 day Event $97
  3. Other Books – Box sets
  4. funnelytics software  $397

What’s inside of the Course?

The course is quite valuable for beginners to advance level professionals.

It has 24 modules, every module discusses topics in several sections. So that the trainee can easily enter into it.

Below, we discussed in details..

Module 1: The Foundation

The foundation of a course always plays a vital role to go inside of it.

In the Foundation of the course, you will learn how to set your business goals, how to set your mind, Core theory & some essential stuff you should sacrifice to start.

  1. Setting goals
  2. Core theory
  3. Sacrifice Points
  4. Brand & Design
  5. Domain Names
  6. Macro & Micro Targeting
  7. Introduction to Google Analytics
  8. Introduction to Facebook Pixel Tracking
  9. Introduction to Google Tag manager
  10. Setting up GTM with Analytics & Facebook Pixels
  11. The Foundation 25 items Checklist

The Chapter also shows how to design your brand for Getting Quick Market Value, the importance of choosing Domain names, Benefits of EMD & PMD domain names, etc.

Most of the Entrepreneurs make mistakes on Choosing Domain names.

But, It’s true that some sort of Search Engine CTR (click-through rate) rely on it, it’s increased brand value, Customer trust, Search engine integration as well.  So, you will get Domain name secrets as well.

Note: The Book is Free + with Little Shipping Charge, for equipping your online career from the beginning it’s just a massive gift for you by Russell Brunson.

When you running a business it’s crucial to target your market.

 Macro & micro-targeting Section will give you huge knowledge like how to save money on Advertising through Facebook Pixel Tracking, Market research, Filtering & like that.

As an online Entrepreneur, Google analytics is the key to drastically increase your business performance. In the day end, it shows you a total report of your website like Click-through rate, average Spent Time on Particular Pages, Bounce Rate, location data for Incoming customers & lot more.

GTM or Google Tag Manager is an Advance tool in the Digital Marketing tool. GTM offers to consolidate all the scripts in one big script. Use GTM over Google Analytics, FB Pixels to create event Clicks, URL parameters, and lot more.

The Foundation of the Course Contains 25 essential checklist so don’t miss out on that.

Module 2: Market Discovery

The module mainly teaches you how to find your Dream Customer, How to discover a market for your Desired Product.

Market Discovery kind of fundamental practice for any business startup.

Principles are the lows they never change. Let’s have a look at the Principles…

  1. Market Discovery Overview
  2. Power of surveying
  3. Subscribe to competitor list
  4. Google Trends
  5. Google alerts
  6. Monitoring advertising
  7. Social Media Tags
  8. Monitoring blogs
  9. Discussion Forums
  10. Freelance Sites

You don’t know what your Customer wants, creating something before proper asking or surveying it’s just a 50 50 chance for you.

“Survey” of product or service is just the Confirmation that you are not going to die.

You can collect initial Customer voice data & insights that set you in the driver seat from the first day of Product Launch.  

If you know what your competitors offering than you can create something that better from them.

It’s a simple tactic to help you build different techniques, increasing market value, their strategies.

Creating particular Email accounts for different competitor gives you some extra benefits for equipping your plans & execute them.

Google trends pic:

One of the valuable free tool provided by Google.

You can see searching trends for a specific Product or a Searching terms.

Like Semrush you will not get huge data but it’s enough for location-based searching, Group keywords, Locations info, Search trends for free.

For Information seekers, Google Alerts can be a free assistant for them. Suppose you want to get alerts topic on the “keyword research tool” go to the Google Alerts & configure it with email also advanced filtering you can use for the best result.

When someone makes a post on the desired topic you will be notified by email, that simple!!

Monitoring competitor’s advertising is a kind of strategy you can use, it’s like how much they spend on advertising through Facebook ads, Google ads, etc.

It helps such a way to execute your plan over your financial status.

It’s a free service by Facebook, Just visit the page https://web.facebook.com/ads/library/  type Company or page names you want to inform.

Social media tags one of my favorites away to increase visibility for new Page launch.  There are millions of people sharing & following hashtags so it’s an easy away to win Customer attention.

Monitoring Blog:

On the way of market discovery, monitoring blogs one of the technique, make a list of your top competitor blogs & follow what are they doing & what is not.

Remember that, you follow the companies are ideal on their way, so get ideas about what the market wants based on your competitors are publishing & not publishing.

Discussion Forums & Freelance sites

Discussion forums provide good value for information seekers. For example, sites like Quora, Yahoo’s answer still have millions of visitors.

If you are a service Provider then sites like Upwork, Fiverr would be a valuable source for you. You can follow categories based on your service. You will get information about what people want, what people are struggling for.

Module 3:  Copywriting Secrets

Copywriting is important. The most important is to know Copy Writing Secrets.

In this module, you will learn how to write sales copy that converts a customer into a subscriber, sells, etc.

You will get some initial ideas about copywriting, but you can learn in-depth from Copywriting Secrets book by Jim Edwards.

  1. Copy Writing is critical
  2. Power of Benefits
  3. Core Elements of copy
  4. 37 Power Words
  5. Headline formulas
  6. Writing HTML Title Tags
  7. Bullet Formulas
  8. Video Sales Letter Flow
  9. Competitor Ad Copy
  10. Word Counting

You will get a downloadable copy of 37 power words for marketing sales copy.

Getting customer response through email, these words consider as “Trigger” to take an action.

Headline Formulas & HTML title tags:

Another effective way to increase visibility through the search engines, social media, helps you to get the first impression of your customer.

You can use these formulas in your optin pages, sales & more.

Bullet Formulas:

Bullets are really great ways to aware of products or services shortly. People love it because it’s just easy to know the benefits of the product/service.

In this section, you would learn how’s bullet points can be effective for you & how to use them.

Video sales Letter Flow:

In 2020, a Video sales letter works like a skyrocket. If you haven’t noticed it just want to say go for the complete course called Funnel Scripts & highly recommended the traffic secrets scripts as well.  

It provides great value to the customer then written sales letter.

Its convert a new customer into a sales easily

This lesson will give you some extra value when you makes video sales letter.

 Module 4: Keyword Science

Keywords are the terms people used to find their desire products on Search engines, Social media as well.

I just love the Keyword Science.

Mostly, Keywords are broadly used in digital platform


It’s time to take it seriously in the Physical platform as well.

Suppose, you are selling jelly in orange flavor in Physical platform, but you don’t know there might be thousands of people who prefer the different tastes.

If you use keyword tools you will be notified about the different tastes along with how many people search for the product in a particular area.

So, it’s very important.

  1. Keywords
  2. Building our master list
  3. Super conversion keywords
  4. Exact Match VS Broad Match
  5. Negative Keywords
  6. Google Keyword Planner
  7. KeywordSpy
  8. UberSuggest
  9. Amazon for Keywords
  10. Answer the Public

In this Module you will be aware about…

Building Your Master List: How to Build a master list to start your business.

Super conversion keywords: Super conversion keywords are the terms that are used to purchase a product/service.

They will learn hold on your hand, how to implement with the first sets of keywords & if you fail what to do for the next.

To make your job easier there will be an overview of keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubbersuggest, KeywordSpy.

Another interesting topic is the negative keywords, they will show you the importance of Negative keywords & how to implement these in your campaigns.

Amazon for keywords: You can use amazon to get ideas about keywords. Amazon Product search bar makes this job easier for you.

Exact Match VS Broad Match:

In this section, you will be notified of the difference between these two keyword matches. Which one should implement first and how to configure.

Module 5: Email Marketing tactics

If you have an email list then you have the most valuable assets in Internet marketing.

In the long run they most converting traffic over the internet.

In this lesson, you will find other valuable information on email marketing, list building, Conversion rate, etc.

  1. Most valuable assets
  2. Types of optin Mechanisms
  3. How to increase optin rates
  4. Promoting your list
  5. Automated Monetization
  6. How & When to Mail Your list
  7. Types of List Campaigns
  8. Behavioral Triggers
  9. List Maintenance
  10. Using BriteVerify

Types of optin Mechanisms

You will need to know different types of OP-tin mechanisms, how they work for the building list.

Example: How to use Thrive leads, ConvertBox, Built-in popups etc.

How to increase Optin Rates

Thousands of marketer doing email marketing.

How many of them get success?

Marketing is easy but it’s challenge getting customer attention.

Just think yourself, how many emails you receive every day & from them how may you open by clicking them?

This lesson is super important to increase optin rates.

Promoting your list:

In this challenge, you will have some proven ways to build your email list. You will meet with autopilot, using these advanced techniques on how you can grow your subscribers.

Automated animation

In the Email Marketing platform “Marketing automation” or “Autoresponders” is the common technique used.

The lesson tells you how to configure the automation & monetizing them with relevant messages.

How & When to Mail Your list:

What is the best time to send emails? How many emails per day? Every part & parcel will teach you including list maintenance, where you can able to the analysis email list & clean them.

Types of List campaigns

In this section, you will identify different types of email campaigns. Using the list campaign you are able to send the right email to the subscriber for a conversion.

Behavioral Triggers:

You will learn from the behavior of customers so that you can implement them right away. Surely, this “behavioral triggers” help you to maximize your conversion.

Module 6: Borrowing Traffic

  1. Borrowing Tons of Traffic
  2. Decisions you need to make
  3. Tips for Maximum Success
  4. Power Recruiting  Secrets
  5. Product Lunch Windfall Cash
  6. Webinar Cash Flow
  7. Recruit Snooping
  8. Grow with Simple Monitoring
  9. The “Geniuses of” Strategy

This will be very interesting for you because you are going to Borrow traffic.
Is it possible?

Yes, it is really possible & the technique will be the best for you in the long run.

The method is Known by Affiliate marketing, Affiliate marketing is the most low-cost effective way to generate tons of traffic.

The magical thing is you won’t pay someone until the customer paid you money.

There are millions of people who just try to join different affiliate networks to promote affiliate products.


You might be thinking how to attract affiliates for your new business.


There is another powerful strategy “Power Recruiting Secrets” you can follow to get a new sign up for your affiliate program.

There is another section known “Recruit Snooping” where you can learn how to find Partners that help you promote your Products.

Product Lunch Windfall Cash:

When you first time launch your Products there will be a lots things happen.

That time the products will get customer first impression, reaction,


The time is crucial for your startup business.

How use the momentum going by your side.

Along with that, you will get access to webinar cash flow to creates enough intimacy and relevancy customers.

Module 7: Shopping Engines & Amazon:

  1. Ecommerce Product Promotions
  2. eCom to Non eCom Opportunity
  3. Non eCom to eCom Opportunity
  4. Comparison Shopping Engines
  5. Kindle Books Lead Generation
  6. Amazon Product advertising API
  7. Alibaba Product Suppliers
  8. Supplement Private Labeling
  9. Worldwide Brands Dropshipping
  10. GoDataFeed

This module will teach you how to use eCommerce Platform to drive traffic.

The lesson is important because you will find some information that generates tons of traffic to your sales page.

Kindle Book one of the proven ways to drive quality traffic. You will learn how to create kindle books and up to eCommerce sites like Amazon, Alibaba to generate traffic.

eCommerce platform always big deals for new business, Using Alibaba or Aliexpress to find suppliers online.

Using Amazon affiliate Program or Advertising API can embed Amazon products on your website.

Also learn, How to get millions of clicks/traffic to your online store using price Comparison.

Module 8: Traffic Formulas

  1. Traffic formulas & methodology
  2. Common marketer Mistakes
  3. Mining campaign traffic gold
  4. Split-testing Discipline
  5. Traffic Secrets Base Formula
  6. 10(5) profit Growth Formula

This module teaches you how to play win-win games to generate traffic. You will able to practice all the advanced theories & methodology behind the scenes.

If you driving traffic with a lower conversion rate, there will be some logical mistakes. In the module, you will run a quick split test to find out the mistakes.

Along with that, you can analysis different campaigns & identify which are profitable & which are not.

You also learn how to increase traffic flow in the month to month that achieve your Business Goals.

Module 9: Buying Media & sponsorships

  1. Buying media overview
  2. Tips for media buying success
  3. Advertising Price options
  4. Setting up Conversion tracking
  5. Conversion Hunting!
  6. List of media networks
  7. Negotiating Media Buys
  8. Sponsorship Secrets
  9. Ad creative Analysis
  10. Content Distribution Networks

Buying media or Sponsorships ads from reputed sites like CNN, Fox News, Huffington Post, ESPN it’s not driving your traffic, it just helps you to build your business.

Over the world there are millions of people who follow these Sources.

I mostly love those sites for customer massive flow of trust.

It’s not just end here!

Buying Sponsors from them it’s not just easy, same time its worthy

In the module, you will get a touch on how to buy media, Perfect ad sizes, List of top sites.

Same time how you can reduce the cost, techniques will share with you for successful media buying. Mind that everything is negotiable.


Placing the ads your first job is to set up a conversion tracking using Google Analytics. Without tracking traffic online it’s just like driving with blinders.

Along with that, they will teaches you how maximize conversions rate.

Module 10: Google Ads (Formerly Adwords)

Google ads is the biggest pay per click advertising platform in the earth.

Same time,  Google ads are the lengthiest module in the Course. It Contains more than two dozens lessons that you can be mastering on Google ads.

In this necessary module you will learn…

  • How to use group Keywords to running your campaign
  • Positioning value of ads
  • Setting up conversion tracking actions
  • Negative keywords strategy like “free, cheap” How to avoid them while advertising.
  • Short tail vs long tail, which one should profitable for you.
  • Why Brand name keyword is the key to success?
  • What’s about CTR (Click through rate), How to improve CTR to better Conversion rate.
  • Setting up Split testing
  • Along with, how to Creates your first ads.

These days paid advertising is the key to make millions of dollars just setting up at home.

John would show how to start, how to optimize your first ad copy to gain maximum clicks & Conversion.

Module 11: Podcasts and Broadcasts

In 2020 podcasts, Broadcasts is a trending source that could drive tons of traffic to your Funnels.

In this module, they discuss different types of equipment for podcasts & streaming your video.

There would be more sections on Facebook live, youtube live to create intimacy with your potential customers.

John will teach you how to hack the Apple iTunes podcast directory to rank up your podcast in higher.

For me,

Podcast! It’s always horrible for me because I haven’t a podcast friendly voice at all.

If you are like me

Don’t’ be worried!

John shows us how to outsource the podcasting process.


To Increase productivity of podcast, how to interview successful business owners & brands

Finding other podcast directories to present your brands or products

Module 12: Mobile App Marketing

As a Profession business owner, you should not avoid any traffic source.

Mobile app is an enormous traffic source for any kind of business goals.

Just think yourself!

There are billions of people used mobile apps daily.

It’s true that, there is millions of small business who hasn’t use Mobile app for marketing.

So you can take the chance for growing up.  

Other benefits & tricks from this module…

  1. Get Email subscribers
  2. Get your mobile app from a reliable source
  3. App ranking up formula to get massive visibility
  4. Increase brand value
  5. Get more buyers in the long run.

Mobile app marketing is a beneficial strategy if you can do it strategically. Get the full ideas from this module.

Module 13: Software & Widgets

The concept of this module the same as the previous one. This also shows you how to software & widgets to drive traffic.

You can learn different strategies to apply on Software & Widgets to drive traffic to your sales funnel.

Module 14: Facebook Ads

Running a Facebook ad Campaign is just wasting your money!!!

I know you may be thinking.

I shared the wrong information.

Yes, I am wrong.

And it is wrong for the marketers who have a unique experience on Facebook advertising or working under a Guru.


When it come newbie

I just say it’s just throwing your money in a pond.

Note: This module is not guided you step by step running an ads.

These days Facebook advertising is so much competition. So you need to bake your skills before running a campaign.

Along with that you will learn..

  1. How to create high converting ads
  2. Retargeting
  3. Tracking your ads
  4. Pixels
  5. And lot more

Module 15: Traffic Retargeting

You may be familiar with Browser Cookies

Advertising Companies like Facebook, Google showing advertisements rely on Browser cookies.

Browser gain the Cookies/Information from User

That means…

Companies showing relevant ads depending on browser cookies

In the way,

If a customer visits your website & leaves without buying the desired product, you just lose your money.


It’s a relevant traffic & have chance to make the purchase.

So, using the retargeting techniques you can show ad again to them even lesser cost.

Module 16: International opportunities

What’s about untapped traffic source like outside of your own country?

How to utilize international traffic source?

The module ready to help you to target traffic internationally, walk through the module you can expand into other foreign markets too.

Along with that, you will learn how you can find a language translation expert, how to find the hot spot of your business relevance traffic, etc.

Module 17: Social Media Strategy

Social media are the marketing giants in these days.

Most valuable traffic source on the earth in any niche. John will walk you through in these top social media.

He will show you different features of these platforms, how to utilize them & how to get the most out of them to make your conversational goals.

  1. How to use Proper hashtags
  2. How to maintain posting
  3. How to maintain time
  4. Valuable Social platform like: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram,  Linkedin & Buzzumo etc.

Module 18: Traffic Recycling

I believe the statistics below!

80% to 90% (it depends) of your website/social media visitors would not buy from you directly.


Some people, it’s not mandatory to buy the product – Cold traffic – give value & need force

Some people would not buy the product from the first website visit or the first time – warm – they need reviews

Some people ready to buy just waiting for confirmation – Hot traffic – Give them Comparison chart of other relevance product

So, all you need to know in this module to Recycling traffic….

  1. Turning Non-Buyers Into Revenue
  2. When Will Others Send You Free Traffic?
  3. Traffic Asset Leverage Points
  4. Email Marketing Is The Core Engine
  5. Types Of Traffic Recycling Campaigns
  6. Run Powerful Contests!

Module 19: Google SEO

Really enjoy the every section of this view.


I love Google Organic traffic.

Organic traffics are the most valuable & most converting traffic in the earth.

The module covers the concept of SEO which include the off page & on page SEO.

John walks you through starting from content creation to social media signals, more than 20 topics will be discussed.

We know SEO changes pretty fast. If you find some outdated tools recommended by John it should not be surprising.

But, you can learn a lot of principles around SEO & its techniques.

Principles are the laws, they never change!!!

Module 20: Building a Content Factory

Content is King!

An old dialogue


Old is Gold.

John will teach you how to generate quality content that Google love.

How to write content targeting many of keywords that flourishing of organic traffic.

How to post on social media that go viral.

It also covers…

  1. Types of content for targeting different audience
  2. How to generate ideas for content
  3. How to structure the content
  4. How to analysis the content
  5. How to outsource the content
  6. How to flourishing pipeline for content creation
  7. Where to publish your content
  8. How to maintain timetable for publishing

Module 21: Content Curation Methods

In a single topic there are thousands of contents available.

It’s usually difficult to generate unique one for the newbie.


We know that contents are the all in all in online marketing.

So, we need content, we need to satisfied our customer.

John shows us some techniques like

  1. How to legally use other people’s content to get traffic.
  2. Create An Opinion Piece
  3. Drive traffic to your website using other’s youtube videos
  4. Use other’s infographic to get social signals to your page

Module 22: Youtube Marketing

World  2nd largest search engine.

The easiest way to drive millions of traffic to your business because people love to passing times just watching videos.

Very easy to increase brand value

So, John would teach you how youtube could be your first choice to drive massive traffic from the first month of your business for free.

Yes, youtube can make your bucks from 1st day of your business.

In module 22 John teach you…

  1. How to target keywords
  2. How to rank youtube videos
  3. How to optimize videos

Module 23: Expansion & Scalability

This show helps you to grow big.

John talks how to improve scalability, how to expand your markets.

For example, I have seen that most of the entrepreneurs running a successful ad campaign shortly.


When they increase their budget for the existing advertisement they lose money, the advertisement campaign got worse.

  1. Expand Your Market
  2. Expand Your Products
  3. Expand Your Traffic Sources
  4. Make Content Site Acquisitions
  5. Make Business Acquisitions
  6. You Must Reinvest To Grow!
  7. Max Results From Max Leverage

Module 24: The Master Plan

It’s all over.

After training is done it’s time to implement what you learned.

So, john helps you to equip your business plan, he finds out the best plan for you.

I believe this super valuable course helps you to stay focused & organized while you working on the field to promote your Business.

What is the traffic secret scripts?

Traffic Secrets Scripts is the key for every entrepreneur who wants to generate compelling copy that drives traffic to their offers. The scripts increase traffic flow to your sale funnel or offer.

Final Thoughts about Traffic Secrets review

I know you may be thinking.

Should you get this traffic secrets book?

I just say,            

I know people who hold online for making money they needs traffic.

Without traffic it’s just wasting money with valuable time.

Who needs targeted traffic?

  1. Ecommerce Business owners
  2. B2B
  3. Coaches & Consultants
  4. Bloggers
  5. Agencies
  6. Affiliate marketers
  7. Doctors
  8. Network Marketers
  9. MLM
  10. Freelancers
  11. Non-Profit Organizations

The Traffic Secrets book highly recommended before you start your online carrier it’s a massive opportunity to scale up & improve your skills.


You get ideas more than 100 sources for generating traffic.

It’s highly recommended,

Not go for multiples at a time

Pick a method, implement it & drive traffic to your sales funnels, make the conversion.


Start with the other one.

My final Words: You can find different tutorials online that teaches you on the different traffic source.


Traffic Secrets guides are different from all, it helps you to set your mind, it tells you about professionalism, It teaches you to build business step by step.

Traffic generation is a process so, get the best deal from traffic secrets.

Recommended Post: Take the part of one funnel away challenge & Build your first sales funnel.